Silwerfontein The Guest Farm on Voëlvlei Dam
Phone:  079 500 1906   /  Fax:  086 604 3178  /  Email:  [email protected]  /  Web:


{   We do not feed our cattle, except for some of the older cows who are doing badly after late births during the dryer months.
{   Our cattle graze on natural veldt which is not chemically enhanced – their condition and high price at auction is witness to their healthy eating.
{   Thus our beef is pure, home-grown meat which is cultivated for their good quality steaks.
{   The only electricity on the farm is solar power – we only start the generator after a few days of no sun for necessary needs, such as powering the washing machine.
{   Heat is derived from wooden stoves fed from our own forest.
{   A lot of the wood for our fences is harvested from our forest.
{   We practice a Refuse Management Programme, as can be seen on the next page – we request your kind help in this regard.
{   A lot of historic waste, still present on the farm, is systematically being removed and gotten rid of in an acceptable manner – an ongoing process.
{   No pumps is being used to bring our water from the fountains in the mountain to the various areas of use – it is all being very ingenuously laid out to flow only through gravity and the use of different sizes pipes and fittings.
{   Our water is only being filtered through sand to get rid of sediment and decaying plant matter associated with water originating from the ground, but no chemicals whatsoever gets added.
{   Our drinking water has been tested by the SABS for quality and we could bottle and sell it if we wish, it is that good.  The proof is in the taste.
{   Large tracts of farm ground are being left to return to its natural state of Fynbos & Renoster veldt.
{   Large areas of the endangered plant growth have been protected for future enjoyment.

Website committed by Kumie Joubert-Van Niekerk